Saturday, May 9, 2009

For Mom

Over the years I have done many things.......badly. I have been the bad student, the bad friend, the bad brother, the bad tipper, the bad driver and occasionally the bad son. Well this will repair the last one for ever.
Happy Mothers Day Mom from me and Mister T.

Props to T-Jack for the linky to this jem/nightmare.


Sarah said...

And a gem it is. Priceless.

Lynette and Anthony said...

I'm pretty sure mom will love it :)

B & J Weston said...

I did not see this until today. Great!! I do love it. You were not a bad boy, but maybe a little frustrating sometimes. Thanks, Mark

Rebekah B. said...

wow! Well, there you go, he really says it all... and in rhyme too. The back-up dancers are really good, I bet they practiced a lot to get all those moves down! It almost reminded me of a church commercial when it flipped to all the examples of great moms.

Michelle & Steve said...

This is one of your best posts, and I laugh each time I come to your bog and see it. However, I'm ready for something new, so get on the ball and get posting...I know you've got something rolling around up there to say...

PS - we are still chuckling about the appendix comment you left on our blog - it explains a lot knowing you've dealt with such emotional ridicule. :)