Friday, June 22, 2007

Who's a loser?

Now that my adorable bride has leaked the link to my blog I need to lay down some ground rules.
O.K. only one rule but it's a good one; IF YOU VISIT THIS SITE YOU HAVE TO LEAVE A COMMENT. I don't care if all you do leave your name but that's the rule.

We are living in a society with rules that we all need to follow, if you come and leave nothing you are a loser! I have put a lot into this self agrandizing ME fest and I expect you behave as asked.

In return when I take time out of my busy day to peruse the e-monuments you have made to yourselves I will always leave a comment for you. Fair is fair.

I leave you with a gratuitous bike shot of yours truelly in acknowledgment of Sarah's misguided belief that biking is all I care about.


Dan said...

I do have to say that is one of my favorite shots of you. Congratulations on the purchase of the new bike, I can't believe that they price matched eBay, that's awesome!

Michelle & Steve said...

Awesome blog. Sally was sitting with me while I was checking it out and we told her that was you on your bike. She said, "Is he up in the air? How did he get there?" So maybe in your next posts you could explain how you got there...

Lynette and Anthony said...

Thanks for explaining bike lingo to the two-wheeled challenged people out there! I can't wait to be further educated.

Sarah said...

Yeah- you talk tough, but just try to enforce it. You'll catch a lot more flies with honey . . .

El Scorcho said...

Thank you all for your comments.

Sarah thought I was a little too demanding and brusk in my post.
Please keep in mind everything and I mean everything I say is with my tongue firmly planted in cheek.


Rebekah B. said...

I read your blog today.

Robyn Lamoreaux said...

This is a comment "el skorcho". Great blog. your rock.