Saturday, July 3, 2010

Time Management

I have long held the belief that we as human beings make time for the things that are important to us. So when I hear friends/neighbors/acquaintances complaining that they just don't have time for _______________________ (fill in the blank) my brain translates that as "I would like to do it but it is not important enough to me to make the effort."

I can understand financial hangups or work and family commitments getting in the way because we all have them but if you really want something then make it happen.
It may be painful the first couple of times you have to wake up early or maybe you have to miss an episode of "So You Think You Can Dance" but it will be worth it.

So dear reader, if what you are doing is working for you, great. But if you long for something different, figure out what you want to do and go get it. Remember; If you always do what you have always done. You will always get what you have always got.

I should be a "Life Coach"

BTW, the person in my life that epitomizes great time management and excellence was just awarded Utah Charter Educator of the Year. I couldn't be more proud, I sure like that girl, she has no "off" button.


Kristin said...

Wow! Congrats Sarah!

And Mark, come on dude, give the 'working' guys a break. ;) You know you lived a charmed life...

El Scorcho said...

K- My plan is working. That you think my life is charmed means I must be doing something right.
I have to work really hard to make it look this easy.

Sabrosa Cycles said...

nice. i am ready to sneak some early morning rides back into my life. call me if you would like to join me. 6am?

DW said...

Was this whole post fabricated so that you could get some action? I didn't think PDA were up your alley...

El Scorcho said...

Warr-you think Sarah reads this drivel? She has better things to do with her time, like being awesome.

Bob said...

I love you life coach.